Courtney Orcutt


  • ELEC 278 - Data Structures and Algorithms : Created arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, dequeues, hash tables, heaps, search trees and sorting algorithms in C programming language.
  • ELEC 279 - Object Oriented Programming : Designed a Java Android birthday guessing game.
  • CMPE 327 - Software Quality Assurance : Python and Flask software engineering project using the scrum model through 6 coding sprints to ensure all programs were tested before integration.
  • ELEC 365 - Advanced Algorithms : Analyzed divide and conquer algorithms such as convex hull.
  • ELEC 377 - Operating Systems : Explored topics of synchronizations, scheduling, memory management, deadlock, and security. Created a C shell program.
  • CMPE 320 - Software Development : Chosen team lead directing 7 members creating a C++ programming game.
  • ELEC 474 - Computer Vision : In Python used the OpenCV library to apply filters to images.


  • Project Manager - QMIND : Sourced, and wrote proposal for a data engineering project worth $10,000 with a Canadian Healthcare Company. Proposal included cleaning data from numerous medical clinics showing best clinical outcomes based on variety of inputs
  • Team Member - QMIND : Used Python to code an AI model that predicts the KGH bed occupancy rates for Dr. Srivastava. Presented our work at the Canadian Undergraduate Conference on AI (CUCAI).
  • Elected as a Frosh Regulation Enforcement Committee (FREC) at Queens : Developed organizational and leadership skills as the Tech FREC and created an environment where incoming Freshman felt welcomed.
  • Queen's University Varsity Squash Player.


Completion of 4 courses in the Google Coursera Specialization: Architecting with Compute Engine. Completion of 4 Google Qwiklabs skill badges. Enrolled in Google ACE certification exam for the summer of 2022.

Coding Languages

  • Python
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • SQL
  • C/C++
  • Django & Flask

My Current + Past Projects:

E-commerce Store

With a team of 3 other students, we developed a Python Flask project for buying and selling products. We completed 6 scrum sprints adopting the agile development methodology. I created the backend database Users model, as well as user validation functions. I used bootstrapping CSS to create the main HTML file and front-end registration page. Overall, I wrote 100+ black-box testing cases and tested for SQL and XSS security attacks. The application was deployed using docker.

GitHub Smoke Test
E-commerce Beauty Store

I created a beauty store passion project with back-end Django databases for customers, products, and order placements. For cart updates, I used Python, HTML/CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend and storing cookies. Overall, 50+ black-box test cases were written for input/output partitioning. Users can filter through items to purchase.

GitHub Smoke Test
NASA API Front-end Project

Created a React Python project using NASA API to fetch the NASA astronomy picture of the day depending on the date chosen. React routers were used to link the pages. Users have the ability to like and save photos.

GitHub Smoke Test
NFT Store

Imitation of Selfridge’s platform selling NFT art. This React and Shopify Polaris project allows users to search for specific NFT art to purchase and trade.

GitHub Smoke Test
Guessing Game

Java Game which gives the user opportunities to guess the birthdays of famous politicians and singers. Hints are given to the user and points are allocated based on difficulty.

GitHub Smoke Test
Jumble Puzzle

C++ Project creating jumble puzzles based on a word the user inputs with options to be directed north, south, east, or west on the map. 10 black box testing methods are included in this project.

GitHub Smoke Test
Insult Generator

C++ Project which reads insults from three rows in a file and strings together sentences. The output is written to a file and exceptions are checked.

GitHub Smoke Test
Hospital Bed Occupancy Predictor

With three other Queen's University students, we created a Python and MATLAB model to predict the bed occupancy levels at the Kingston General Hospital for Dr. Srivastava (recipient of the 2020 Medical Staff Innovator Award). I created the frontend application using Streamlit (see Smoke Test). The project was presented to graduate students and professionals at Canadian Undergraduate Conference on AI (CUCAI). The project was presented at CUCAI 2021.

GitHub Smoke Test

My favourite project to date has been programming a robotics car to implement the Bug 2 Algorithm to detect and move around obstacles. An Arduino, ultrasonic sensor, two IR sensors, reflective sensor, and wheel encoders were used in this project.

GitHub Smoke Test

Contact me through LinkedIn. Would love to chat!

© Copyright 2022, Courtney Orcutt